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How Do Mice Get in Your House? Important Steps to Take In The Winter

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As the weather grows colder and your house becomes warmer, you may find yourself with some unexpected guests this winter. That’s right – mice!

Meet the Invasive Pests Trying to Get into Your Home This Winter

You’ll often find mice in your home during the winter as they find a place to survive that has everything they need like shelter, warmth, and food. Most homes meet all of these criteria.

Unlike other mammals, mice do not hibernate in the winter. Instead, this is the time for them to gather as much food as they can stock up to survive until spring.

Don’t be surprised if you find a mouse in your Mount Washington house this winter, but do be prepared to take action!

How Mice Tend To Enter Homes

Mice are sneaky little critters that can make their bodies extremely small, so they fit in tight spaces. Some of the most common ways mice get into homes are through cracks in the foundation, walls, or through the attic.

Don’t underestimate just how fast these little creatures can scurry and how quiet they can be entering your home.

If a mouse is lucky enough to get into your house, don’t feel ashamed. Mice can get into almost any house as they are clever critters. It doesn’t mean your home is dirty or not well-maintained, but there are still some things you could work on, which we’ll cover soon.

Dangers of a Mouse Infestation

While house mice may seem like cute little guests in your home with their big ears and large black eyes, they actually pose many dangers to you and your family.

dangers of a mouse infestation in the winter

Mice are known to carry a number of dangerous diseases. Just some of these diseases include:

  • Salmonella
  • Hantavirus
  • Pinworms
  • Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

Diseases are spread through their urine or feces. So, if you find mice in your kitchen, be sure to throw out any food they may have come in contact with.

Another danger mice pose is chewing electrical wires. If chewed just enough and positioned correctly, these damaged wires could cause a house fire.

Signs of a Mouse in the House

How will you know if you have a mouse in the house? As they are very discreet creatures, there are a number of signs that they are present in your home.

Mouse Droppings

Mice will often leave up to 80 droppings every day. Usually, they are in the form of a trail along your counters or inside your cabinets, where they rummage through your food.

These droppings are tiny, dark brown pellets. At first, they may look like crumbs on the counter, but you’ll quickly notice that they are not as they seem.

Scratching Noises at Night

Mice are most active at night. So, if you hear scratching noises in the walls while you’re getting ready for bed, then chances are high that you have a mouse scurrying around.

They will usually crawl behind your walls, along kitchen counters, or in the attic.

Strong, Unusual Smell

If you’ve ever had mice in your home before, then you’re probably familiar with the strong scent they leave. Even after the infestation is taken care of, the smell can linger for weeks or even months.

This smell is very much like ammonia. If you have a pet cat in your house, they’ll be the first to notice this smell and will be on the hunt for your invader.

Small Nests

When cleaning out the garage, basement, or attic, you may notice small nests made from soft material in the corner or along the wall. This is most undoubtedly a mouse nest!

They will collect thread, fabric, and other comfortable materials to build their nest in your home and create a nice place for them to sleep during the day.

Mouse Sighting

Some people with a mouse infestation may even see it running through their house. You won’t see it for long as they are very quick and try to stay hidden as much as possible. However, the most tell-tale sign that you have a mouse infestation is if you see one.

If you see one mouse, more aren’t very far behind!

How to Prevent Mice in the Winter

No matter how warm and inviting your home may seem to some mice during the winter, there are ways that you can prevent them from coming in and invading.

ways to prevent a mouse infestation in the winter

Keep All Food Including Pet Food Covered

The number one thing that will attract a mouse into your house is the availability of food. Make sure to keep all of your food sealed and covered preferably in glass or metal containers, especially if it’s left out on the counters.

This also includes your dog’s food!

It’s also good practice to clean up any crumbs or food droppings in the kitchen before you go to bed. Since mice come out at night, these crumbs are the perfect invitation for them to stay all winter long.

Get Rid of Clutter

Mice love to burrow themselves in piles of paper, dirty clothes, and other materials. So, simply keep your home free from clutter. Without these hiding places to keep warm, the mice will quickly see they aren’t welcomed and move on to another property.

Seal Potential Entry Points

Before the cold weather turns too cold, check your home for potential entry points mice may use to get inside. This means checking for cracks in the foundation, attic, windows, and doors.

Make sure there aren’t any holes that go into your home either. Even if you think it’s too small for a mouse to fit through, seal it up! They can truly surprise you at how small they can get.

Brody Brothers Pest Control Will Get That Mouse Out of Your House

If some mice do find their way into your home this winter, there’s no need to fret. Just call Brody Brothers Pest Control, and we’ll come to your Mount Washington home and take care of the problem.

With our expert team of professionals and safe extermination methods, you’ll have a mouse-free house in no time at all!

Contact us to schedule a consultation and discuss how we can get rid of your mouse problem today.