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What Is the Fastest Way to Get Rid of Rats?

Whether you want to remove 1 rat or 20 from your home, you likely want them removed as soon as possible. Rats are a concern in Baltimore any time of year, but activity can be worse during the winter. This is because they are looking for a warm place to stay, and they might choose
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Is Professional Pest Control Really Necessary?

Whether you see a single mouse or an infestation of ants, you might ask “is professional pest control really necessary?” Old wives’ tales and store-bought pest control items offer an array of DIY solutions in a pinch. So, why would you hire a professional? It’s a fair question to ask. And the answer that comes
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Common Mice Myths from The Top Mouse Exterminators in Baltimore

Whether you think they’re cute or creepy, mice infestations can happen right under your nose. Brody Brothers Pest Control is one of the top Baltimore mice exterminators and many well-meaning homeowners believe in myths about mice. We are here to set the record straight, educating you on mice infestation, behavior, and best extermination practices. Why
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How Do You Know When All the Mice Are Gone?

The Baltimore Metro area is known for being one of the worst in terms of suffering from rodent issues. Mice aren’t hard to detect, but how do you know when all the mice are gone? Here are some tactics you can use that can give you an idea on the status of your home’s mice
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Ways to Prevent Mice from Entering Your Home

Before it gets cold in the Baltimore area, you’ll need to perform some important house maintenance. This will ensure that no animals seeking warmth and shelter use your home as their winter getaway. One of the most common critters that make their way into people’s homes is mice. Thankfully, you can prepare for this issue
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8 Common Mouse Species in the U.S.

Mice are rodents known for their small appearance, their ability to frighten people, and spreading harmful diseases. Depending on where you are in North America, you may encounter a different mouse species that you might not be familiar with. Many mice species have altered appearances and abilities based on the environment they live in so
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Health Risks of Having a Rodent Infestation

Mice—small, harmless creatures who many of us don’t worry about. However, these little critters are a health risk that will likely damage to your home. To the dismay of many homeowners, two or three mice can quickly turn into an infestation. Although this can happen at any point in the year, the fall season is
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