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It’s Fall… and That Means More Ladybugs and Spiders

spider and ladybug on a shrub

As the weather grows colder during Baltimore’s fall season, small critters and pests search for someplace warm – especially ladybugs and spiders. Your home, which is insulated and heated, is the perfect place for them to nestle in and survive the cold months.

This fall, be on the lookout for ladybugs and spiders invading your home. Don’t be alarmed, though. In this article, we’ll cover how to identify these bugs, the dangers they bring, and how to prevent them from coming into your house.


Ladybugs – or ladybirds as they are called in Great Britain and other parts of the English-speaking world – are often seen as cute and harmless beetle bugs. This doesn’t mean they aren’t annoying when they infest your home, though.

These adorable little bugs were first introduced to the United States in 1916 from Asia. They were brought in to help kill bugs that were endangering our crops. Unfortunately, the ladybug population became too large, and they soon became seen as a common pest.

How to Identify Ladybugs

You probably already know what a ladybug looks like. They have round, hard bodies with black spots. But, did you know they come in different colors? Ladybugs can be black, brown, orange, or red with black spots.

They like to crawl on windows and walls, but you will see them flying around sometimes. They aren’t very fast creatures, so you can definitely catch on and even have it walk on your hand for a bit.

Dangers of Ladybugs

There is nothing to worry about when you see a ladybug in your Baltimore home. These bugs bring little to no danger to humans.

Scientists have found that some people can be allergic to ladybugs thanks to the two proteins they carry. Those allergic to them may experience congestion and sneezing.

Ladybugs may leave bites, but they are not something to worry about. It may leave a small mark and nothing more.

If pets, specifically dogs, eat ladybugs, they can experience digestion issues, changes in behavior, and drowsiness.

Why Ladybugs Invade Your Home

When the weather starts to get cooler, ladybugs begin their search for a warmer place to live. If your home contains light colors, has food such as fruit and grains, or flowers with pollen, ladybugs are more likely to invade.

You may have noticed swarms of ladybugs invading your home. This is because when one ladybug finds a suitable place to live during the fall and winter, she will attract others.

How to Prevent a Ladybug Infestation

The best way to prevent ladybugs from infesting your home is to seal any cracks in your windows, doors, or foundation. They are tiny pests that will crawl through narrow spaces to get to a warmer environment.

It’s also a good idea to install screens on your windows, especially if you enjoy keeping them open during the fall months. These screens will prevent ladybugs from flying inside.


At least one person you know, if not yourself, is afraid of spiders. They tense up and freeze when they see one, especially if it’s in the house. Unfortunately, spiders are another common fall invader for homes in Baltimore.

How to Identify Spiders

Most of us know what a spider looks like, but there are three important types of cold weather spiders to be aware of when we start to enter the autumnal weather in Maryland.

A Yellow Sac spider on the edge of a flat surface in Baltimore home

The first is a Yellow Sac spider. They can be about 1/4 of an inch in length, with their front legs longer than the rest. Their pale, yellowish color makes it difficult to notice them at first, but they are one of the most common spiders to invade homes during the fall.

Next, we have the Wolf spider. These tend to be a bit bigger, ranging from ½ of an inch to two inches. They are black with white or neutral-colored splotches on their bodies and have eight eyes, two of them larger than the rest.

Lastly, the Black Widow spider, which is native to Maryland, is another common spider you may find in your home. She can be between 1 1/2 inch to 1 3/8 inches long. Her body is an hourglass shape with a shiny black coat and an orange marking on her back.

Another way to identify if you have a spider infestation is by noticing webs around the house.

Dangers of Spiders

There are a variety of dangers when it comes to spiders and their bites. However, it all depends on the spider and where you are. For example, the only really poisonous spider you should look out for in Baltimore is a black widow.

The black widow’s venom is 15 times more poisonous than a rattlesnake’s venom. However, only about 5% of victims, usually children or the elderly, find these bites fatal. If a black widow spider does bite you, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Diaphragm paralysis

For the most part, you don’t have to worry too much about other spider bites unless you’re allergic to them. They will often be uncomfortable but hardly fatal.

Why Spiders Invade Your Home

Just like other pests, spiders simply search for the things they need to survive. In this case, it’s warmth, moisture, and food. If your home has ants, flies, or other insects spiders like to feast on, then it’s an open invitation for an infestation.

How to Prevent Spider Infestations

The most common way spiders enter your home is through cracks in the house. So, to prevent this from happening, seal any cracks in windows, doors, or the foundation with caulking. Also, add screens to windows.

You can also repel spiders naturally with vinegar, citrus, and mint. Simply keep these scents around the house or even spray them near entrances.

It’s also important to keep a clean house with minimal dust. Spiders are attracted to dust and other cobwebs if they’re present.

Get Rid of Ladybugs and Spiders This Fall with Brody Brothers Pest Control

You don’t have to live with these pests invading your Baltimore home this fall. If you notice spiders or ladybugs crawling around, Brody Brothers Pest Control can help you eliminate them once and for all.

With state-of-the-art methods and eco-friendly techniques, our professional team will make your home pest-free in no time at all.

Call us to schedule a consultation today!